English Literacy
Anne worked as a casual tutor in English, and in English literacy and numeracy, with children and adults, for about 30 years. This included working with students from other cultural and language backgrounds, and with individuals and small groups. Anne found it very rewarding to see people learn to read and write in English for the first time as a result of her tutoring and their efforts, and to help students improve their low-level skills or to teach them English grammar which they’d missed out on at school. This experience also included working on literacy projects that were based in workplaces where she was employed to improve the professional literacy skills of staff. Anne has academic qualifications in teaching the English language to adults and in literacy tutoring, as well as an Arts degree with a focus on psychology and philosophy.
Creative Writing
Anne’s creative writing workshops, listed elsewhere on this site, were run for adults and children. The titles of these workshops were Moonah – A Sense of Place; Days of Our Lives:The Diary as a Source of Creativity and Poetry Discovery. Anne has also presented a workshop to fellow-poets on the topic of Poems that Inspire You. Each of these workshops was well attended and well-received, and encouraged many to continue with their creative writing efforts and develop their projects further.